Many of our clients have a site and an ambition, but they are unsure of what the best option is to achieve their aspirations. So what do you do if you don’t know what to do?
Our Creative Feasibility is the perfect way to start evert project. We produce thorough and thoughtful research into the constraints and ambitions of your project, to give you a holistic understanding of the viability and opportunities. We’ll demonstrate how this could manifest into a carefully crafted, creatively sustainable project by bringing to life a concept while addressing your worries and concerns.
This was exactly the case in this rural site in north Worcestershire, where our clients knew that they wanted to create a family home, but didn’t know whether working with the existing building, or starting again was, on balance, the best option for them.
If you have a project which you'd like to discuss to, the please get in touch to discuss your project and understand your options and we’d be delighted to give you a steer. Contact us at